About the Women’s Literary Festival
As we enter our tenth year of the WLF, we do so with a renewed sense of purpose driven by the enthusiasm and support of Festival attendees, sponsors and our participating authors.
We feel fortunate in having provided a memorable day each year for readers and writers to experience the unique viewpoints and subject matter offered by these, our outstanding past authors, from the years 2006 to 2014.
Diana Abu-Jabar
Anne Cherian
Nancy L. Cohen
Jeanne Córdova
Lynne Cox
Susan Dunlap
Heidi Durrow
Maria Amparo Escandón
Katherine V. Forrest
Celeste Fremon
Lisa Fugard
Nora Gallagher
Cristina Garcia
Reyna Grande
Linda J. Hall
Frances Halpern
Mary Hershey
Dima Hilal
Bonnie Hearn Hill
Valerie Hobbs
LeAnne Howe
Wendy Johnson
Laila Lalami
Carol Lay
Jennifer 8. Lee
Graciela Limón
Attica Locke
Sandra Tsing Loh
M.G. Lord
Demetria Martinez
Jacqueline H. McMahon
Harryette Mullen
Adina Nack
Gina Nahai
Katya Noyes
Ruth Ozeki
Melinda Palacio
Nancy Pearl
Amada Irma Pérez
Aimee Phan
Nina Revoyr
Sojourner Kincaid Rolle
Starshine Roshell
Elyn Saks
Lisa See
Michele Serros
Tanya Shaffer
Monique Sonoquie
Brenda Stevenson
Candacy Taylor
Rebecca Tinsley
Gail Tsukiyama
Alisa Valdez-Rodriguez
Rosa Martha Villarreal
Rebecca Walker
Amy Wilentz
Diane Wilson
Jacqueline Winspear
Paula L. Woods
Col. Ann Wright (ret.)
Karen Tei Yamashita
Chryss Yost
In 2005, a group of women readers from throughout Santa Barbara County came up with the idea of holding an annual literary festival to celebrate women authors and the diverse life experiences that have shaped their writing. Thus the Women’s Literary Festival Santa Barbara was born, with our first festival held on March 4, 2006.
We firmly believe that the strength of language can stir the soul, increase awareness and understanding of social injustice, strengthen our bonds as community members through mutual respect, and offer solutions to the problems that often divide us. Through the power of literature, we often find the simple truths that help set us free from the notions of “us” and “them.” Each genre of literature contributes to this collective of the human spirit, this fabric that makes us more alike than different.
We are pleased to offer scholarships to those who need assistance in order to attend the Festival. Information regarding admission scholarships may be obtained by contacting Magda Torres at [email protected]. Admission scholarship funding comes from the WLF and from our generous Sponsors, to whom we offer our most sincere thanks.
There are a variety of levels of giving and any donation is gratefully accepted.
Mail to: Women’s Literary Festival Santa Barbara, P.O. Box 296, Carpinteria, CA 93014.
To learn more about becoming a Sponsor of the WLF, please contact us at [email protected].
Board Members:
- Ellen Broidy
- Mary Ellen Brooks
- Rachel Couch
- Sharon Hoshida
- Carol Keator
- Elizabeth Martinez
- Elizabeth Robinson
- Justine Sutton
- Magdalena Torres
- Nancy Warren
Click here to download our 2015 WLF Board Member Profiles

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